Why Getting Information from Sales, Service, and Accounting Makes You a Better Marketer

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September 9, 2015
Daniel Vaczi Daniel Vaczi

Marketers request and receive data on a daily basis from a wide variety of channels, both online and offline. Often, a problem arises. More serious than being inundated with information, they are often left confused and disconnect when it comes to interpreting the data.

Being able to understand data collectively, like sales, services, accounting, marketing, allows marketers to fully understand prospects and customers by
knowing their actions, behaviors, needs, and desires. More importantly, a deeper understanding of our prospects helps us make more strategic decisions when it comes to attracting more customers. HubSpot Connect aims to solve these problems by aggregating outside tools’ information in one platform.Third party tools are commonly at the center of such data interpretation issues. Used by marketers and the other divisions inside their company, they can create a back and forth situation between the various tools that results in missed data, broken communication, and missed conversion opportunities.


Introducing, HubSpot Connect

HubSpot Connect is an add-on to The Timeline that will receive data from third party software and partners, and then associate that information with your HubSpot contacts. It should help you improve time-efficiency, eliminate redundant efforts by separate teams, and gain a more complete overview of the actions that a prospect or customer has undertaken. Who is this for? Marketers and their related teams (sales, design, development) are the target users.

Marketers and sales are commonly treading on the same territory when it comes to attracting new customers. These teams are also often the ones that get their wires crossed when managing client relationships, their payments and services, and the work tickets related to their projects. What does this mean for your marketing? It means easier management of customers and more clarity when making strategic marketing decisions to attract new ones.

Use Cases for Managing Customer Activity

Using HubSpot Connect, you can perform tasks such as:

  • Send invoices and see if they’re paid with FreshBooks
  • Send documents via HelloSign and collect eSignutures
  • Access a common location where account managers and sales reps can see the status of these various items/tasks on a per customer basis
  • Create a single space where service teams can receive and respond to Zendesk work tickets
  • Keep an eye on the big picture and see when things are sent and received so issues like double billing doesn’t or two service team members working on the same project doesn’t occur. 

The benefits of bringing sales, services, accounting, and marketing all under one roof makes managing your clients that much easier. 

Use Cases for Better Understanding Your Audience

With HubSpot Connect, we have a centralized location for our data points that allows us to:

  • Truly know the actions our prospects are taking Though integrations with Eventbrite, Wistia or GoToWebinar, we can see when a prospect signs up for an event, views a new video or wants to partake in an upcoming webinar.
  • Through Google AdWords integrations, marketers can check ad performance on a more granular level
  • Identify a prospect’s buyer persona
  • Make more targeted marketing decisions that are based on the actions a prospect takes and their search interests rather than our gut or best guess

By having this bank of data points on prospect’s actions and features, marketers and their teams can create a picture of who that prospect is and understand the best way to potentially attract them.

With transparency inside our prospects actions, we have the ability to improve and refine our marketing plan that will ensure a higher level of success. This is a definitive win for marketing professional as well as clients. The time to make better decisions and create more effective marketing strategies through data transparency is here. HubSpot Connect is a gem for marketers. Will you take advantage or continue having both your resources and company departments fragmented? 

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