5 Ways Small Business Brands Can Use Instagram Video

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June 21, 2013
Nathan Yerian Nathan Yerian

Instagram videoSo it happened. Facebook owned Instagram released video functionality on their app to go head to head against Twitter's Vine app. The battle lines are drawn and people and brands are already choosing sides. But what does this mean for your small business?

With Instagram already boasting more than 130 million users, there was already a case to be made that your company may want a presence on the photo sharing platform. That said, there are some stories that a still image just can't capture. The addition of a video feature (even at a max of 15 sec.) provides even more flexibility to the message that your brand can share with your audience.  

Still need more convincing? Instagram's videos can be directly shared on your Facebook page. When posted to Facebook, they appear in a large, timeline filling thumbnail, there is no doubt that your fans will take notice.  

If you are considering adding Instagram videos to your social media marketing mix, here are a few creative ideas you should try:

1. Before & Afters

Although not applicable to every business, before and after videos are a wonderful testament to the effectiveness of a product, or service. Showing a potential customer the end result of working with you may prove to be the final push that causes them to reach out. Unlike a before and after photo, video will allow you to show multiple angles, or focus points of the true difference you offer.

2. Previews

Are you about to launch a new product or service? A 15 second sneak peek behind the curtain may be the perfect way to build excitement and anticipation about its release. If you can show your existing and potential customers the value of your new release, you may be able to get a few pre-orders, or at least create a list of interested parties to eagerly anticipate your launch. 

3. Comparisons

Is your product, or service really better than the competition? If so, it's time to prove it! Show your solution toe to toe with the competition. If you can outperform them on video, it will be pretty hard for viewers to choose your rivals over you. 

4. Mini Commercials

It's time to get creative. Just because you are a small business doesn't mean you can't have commercials. Instagram's video capabilities give you everything you need to produce short, free, and meaningful communications with your audience. Don't be afraid to try something. If you don't like what you've produced, simply delete it and start over. You never know, maybe you're a regular Ron Howard.

5. Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials may be the most powerful use of Instagram. Who has the budget to send a film crew out to every satisfied customer? Now you do. Anytime a customer brings up how your product, or service benefits them (saved time, saved money, increase production, improved sales, increase ROI, peace of mind, etc.), simply take out your phone and ask them for a 15 second testimonial on the spot. Not everyone will say yes, but the ones that do will be giving you pure video gold.

No matter if you decide to use Instagram and its video feature, or not, the addition to the app will make an impact on the way brands tell their stories. You have the chance to take advantage of this new feature and use it to tell your brand's story. Will you accept the challenge? 

How will your use Instagram videos to spread your message?

FYI: Here is how to link Instagram to your brand's Facebook page with an iPhonehttp://help.instagram.com/356902681064399



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