2 Reasons To Add Charity To Your Brand Strategy

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August 9, 2011
Nathan Yerian Nathan Yerian

If the perception of your brand is built by its actions (and it is), why not act better?

Everything connected to your organization is an extension of your brand. Your job as a brand manager (business owner, marketing manager, etc.) is to make your brand extensions as true, and as positive as possible.

Why not add the positive aspect of charity to your brand strategy? Every business has a product, service, resource or knowledge base that could be applied to a greater purpose than simply supplying their target market.

Smart brands see the value in becoming a contributor in socially responsible initiatives.

Charitable brands win...twice.

Charity Brand Strategy

Win #1

It doesn't matter if you are a B2B, or B2C company. In either case, in the end, the final decision maker is a person (or a few people). A brand that is connected with charitable endeavors gains a greater connection with their community and the people in it.

When it come time to decide which company to choose for the maintenance contract, software purchase, or thing-a-ma-bob that you're peddling, your brand needs to be in the best possible light from every angle. A charitable contribution (in addition to your best-in-class offering), could be the deciding factor.

Win #2

Other than customers, a company's most important stakeholder is its employees. Believe it or not, they are people too.

By actively participating in charity, your company can give its employees a greater sense of purpose in their work, and in their overall value in the community.

When your employees have more value for their work, their role at your company, and themselves as members of society, it can only benefit their morale and productivity. Now you can save on that consultant you were considering.

Companies actively involved in charitable initiatives benefit both externally and internally. Get involved. See what organizations your customers, and employees care about. Decide what you can offer and start making a difference.

What does your company do that makes a difference?


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